曼谷瑪利亞 (Maria in Bangkok) 轉載自YOUTUBE
曲:林一峰 詞:黃偉文
紅燈區 糢糊的一個她 (In a red-light district, she looked so vague)
拿年輕僅有的美色 粉飾繁華 (Using her beauty of being young to adorn the flourishing city)
文華裡 同時這一剎那 (At the same moment, inside Hotel Mandarin)
同齡的她正扣著我臂彎喝茶 (Another her of same age, is holding my arm, drinking tea)
身份既隔著千里 也似在命運兩極(There's a thousands mile between the status of them, whichs like of the two extreme of fate)
當中有個有資格更高級嗎(Is one of them having the criteria to be more privileges?)
同樣都叫瑪利亞 同樣都信瑪利亞(They are both called Maria, they are both believed in Blessed Virgin Mary)
同樣得到恩寵一樣每天得我愛護嗎(Are they both blessed to be cherished by me everyday?)
為何一個每夜上街 應接著路人賣花(Why one need to sell flowers to pedestrians every night)
又有一個卻旁邊有我陪著喝杯茶(While another one can be accompanied by me to drink tea?)
人間千個瑪利亞 同樣都有血肉嗎(There's thousands of Maria in the world, are all of them true to life [have dignity, have all sensation]?)
無論愛侶或路人 也可愛愛吧(No matter she's our lover, or just a passer-by, we can give her some love.)
人人字名充滿熱情 看對像是誰吧(Every names is filled with passion, but it then depends on who the subject is)
愛不愛 我都可以關心一下(To love or not, I can still care)
紅燈區 抬頭都不見星(In the red-light district, theres no stars when I raise my head)
遊人花幾百銖買她 一生純情(People are spending a little money, buying her purity)
文華裡 仍然高高興興(In Hotel Mandarin, the atmosphere is still very happy)
頑皮的她叫我用愛對天作証(The naughty her asks me to promise my love to God)
同樣都叫瑪利亞 同樣都信瑪利亞(They are both called Maria, they are both believed in Blessed Virgin Mary)
同樣得到溫飽一樣每天修甲購物嗎(If they are both having adequate clothing and food, will they both do manicure and go shopping everyday?)
為何一個注定半生 看腳下陸沉曼谷(But why the fate makes one having a doom life in Bangkok, )
又有一個卻直飛東京沿路買奢華(While another buying luxuries on her direct-trip to Tokyo)
誰都識過瑪利亞 誰都可以變做她(Everybody had once known Maria, everybody can become Maria)
誰是愛侶或路人 那一線之差(Whos the lover or a passer-by, its just a slightly difference)
行事是誰得以自豪 我最易動情吧(Then it depends on who Id be more proud of, Im prone to enamored )
那位她(有沒有人) 幫她一把(That she (is there anybody) would give her a hand)
La~~~La~~~~~~~~Wo~~~~~(誰都識過瑪利亞 )(Everybody had once known Maria)