
Time after time

Without any question, everyone should take the time earnestly!

2009/6/19, today I just finished my semester 2 final exam in University and found out the question could not be hard, even though I have done the revision only in one week and recuited the lecture notes + textbook note in 3days.

Therefore, I only given up one question hadn't to answer because Week 11 lecture note is too difficulty for me to remember in 3 days for classifing 3 difference countries culture and accounting system value, so that I only focus on the last week context (international harmonization and convergence with IFRS).

Lost 10% marks, and so what?

What the hell I finished the revision at 4:40am today and slept at 5:00am...then the exam hold at I really lost my energy for thinking or doing my own task such as create a novel story....=_=Anyway, time after time, I have passed the citizenship test (75%) on this Monday and then have been waiting for the ceremony to take the citizenship certificate!

By the way, I did an several overnight study and only slept a few hours (3-4hrs) pre day until today exam ....(Oh! My God! why I should study this terrible subject?)

Overall, I hope I can pass the final exam and everything will be alright!

PS:Good Luck!^_^

PPS: At this moment, my emotion is Time to kiss the world Goddbye, Ofz...I am gonna keep up my fresh energy for lbeing a powerful lady again(*^_^*)!!!!!!

    創作者 Hikaru25 的頭像


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