PART98 EXTRA STORY 4: I got my mind set on you.
一年一度的Grand National (英國國家障碍大賽)在英國Aintree Racecourse (安翠赛場)進行比賽,全球40名精英騎師當中只有冠軍才能够獲得100萬英鎊的奬金。
((John! Shut up!))
我把頭轉向廚房方向,皺眉的看了我那位正在顯微鏡前埋頭苦幹的室友Sherlock Holmes.這時候,我竟然愈看愈入迷,無法把視線從我的室友身上移開...
((John, stop staring at me!))
(( I got my mind set on you!))
大偵探Sherlock Holmes 被他軍醫室友的突如其來的那句話嚇得把他手上的活全都停下來!
((John, 你是明白I got my mind set on you 的意思吧?你如果想在我身上打主意是要我用推理去贏出今天Grand National 賽馬彩票的話...我無能為力,你可以把這心思放回到你手機上,要不你Google 一下大熱是誰吧?總之現在別來煩我!I am BUSY!!!))
我不放棄的急步走到Sherlock 身後,用手拍了下他的背,我低頭看着坐位上表情不耐煩的他,笑着説:((Sherlock, please!假如贏到奬金,我跟你五五分賬,如何?))
((NUP! Off you go! )) Sherlock 堅決反對!
結果,我只好求Google大神來給我Tips 了!
在我坐回到原來的沙發上坐下時,我聽到Sherlock 輕聲的自言自語:((I got my mind set on you, and this time I know it's for real. The feelings that I feel I know if I put my mind to it, I know that I really can do it...But I don't have time now.))
我在今年復活節的旅行上因為Missing Winner 的Case讓我想起這段往事...
(Sherlock, "I Got My Mind Set On You" is a song of Beatles, isn't it? )
(John, did you win the Grand National  finally?)
(You know the answer. I won't tell you again.)
(The answer is I am better than Google? Haha...)
聽到Sherlock 那自大的答案後,我反白眼的無奈苦笑帶起耳机閉目養神去!
PART98 EXTRA STORY 4: I Got My Mind Set on You.



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